Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Eeek... a comparison

one week old.. to 13 months old.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Kenron was very interested in his belly button today...

Ok to catch up on what's been going on with K - check out the new albums that I posted on the right. Enjoy!

Axel Reid Tremblay

Here I am at 19 weeks pregnant. Yikes this is the ONLY belly picture I've taken so far.. and I haven't even had a shower ;) BUT I was not going to wait any longer.

Here he is! These were taken last week. He is looking towards your left, and you can see his little hands up under his chin. Also you can see the umbilical cord

He is measuring bigger than my due date. So hopefully the end of Sept. will be a likely birthday for him. This one he has his fists covering his mouth.

I'm feeling great. FINALLY. I am looking forward to this summer, lots of things planned: a visit from Josh and Tiffany, going to New England, Grammie and Trish coming, Hopefully a visit or two with Shea. I'm also planning on buying a season pass to the waterpark by our house so K and I can cool off during the day. Before I know it I will be a mom of TWO! yikes.