Monday, August 24, 2009

Just Between Friends sale...

My Loot from this morning...

$165 Total=
For Axel:
8 Pairs of pants
5 outfits
4 long sleeve shirts
9 pairs of socks

For Kenron:
3 Pairs of shoes
1 framed art piece
1 winter hat
8 new toys

Kenron was as happy as a lark... it was SO CUTE seeing him get so excited over all the new toys. Of course I'm going to put some away to bring out later when he's bored with the others, but it made me really excited about christmas this year - it will be so much more fun.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Birthday and Our Anniversary...

Happy Birthday to Me.. I'm 27. I dont know exactly how I feel about it. I mean I dont feel old. But I guess I feel sort of introspective.. like time is flying by, and I wonder "am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing with my life?" Right now, today, I feel like I am. But I am always doublechecking, God has a better plan than me - I'd rather be on his path than the one I "think" I should be on.. terrifying as it may be.

We got to go away for the night - FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE K WAS BORN - by ourselves for our 5 yr. Anniversary. Thank you Grancie and Grandy. We stayed at a B&B in town and got to sleep in.. it was glorious.

With my birthday money I got to go to Hobby Lobby and spend it! I added some lovely things to my bookshelf display...

and Saturday Mat and I got to go antiquing while K was still with G&G and I found this TREASURE!! I filled it with some little frames from Hobby Lobby and some of my tiny treasures and I'm thrilled with the possibilities that this drawer can hold and display!

On another fun note - we pulled out all of Kenron's newborn clothes and went through them to see what we can use for Axel, and get ready to shop the JBF sale in OKC.

Kenron liked "helping" us separate all the goodies.
Cant wait to show you what I get after monday!