7 months...
Kenron is crawling around like crazy. Its not the official up on knees and hands, but he's just as efficient on his forearms and toes :)
He officially pulled up on the couch last night all by himself. He was pretty proud too, it was so cute.
He can find me if I go in the office and I have left him in the living room. Or he can find me in the bathroom too.. lovely. Its actually pretty cute hearing him crawl down the hall and then when he realized he's found me he has the BIGGEST grin.
He has developed this funny sense of humor. you can hear me at the end of the video saying "what does a pig say? "oink" "oink"" and he laughs. Last night he was in hysterics laughing about the oink/snort
he can sit up on his own and is pretty good about catching himself if he tips so he doesnt smash his head. And he can push himself up off the floor into the sitting position.
And he's really good at picking up food with his fingers to eat. And he still just has 5 teeth :)
Our schedule at the moment is:
wake up 7:30-8:00 and breast feed
(8:30)hang out in bed with daddy till he goes to work
(9-10)hand out in the exersaucer with some cereal and watch sesame street
have a morning nap,
wake up have lunch,
have a feeding at 2 or 3
one more afternoon nap
wake up and hang out till dad gets home
and dinner and play time till
8:30-9 bed time.
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