Tuesday, November 17, 2009

update on Kenron

Kenron has been a little Parrot lately, repeating the things we say - Here he is saying "oops, oops" then he says "Its overflowing! Its Over flowing" (sounds like "going, going") Then he finds his star, and starts to sing his version of twinkle twinkle which sounds like "up-ah star, up-ah star"

He has been getting more emotional about things. If he's happy he's REALLY happy, and if he's annoyed he's REALLY annoyed, and when he's excited he's REALLY excited. This video is him watching the previews before Curious George - I bet you'll know exactly when George shows up :)

Kenron has been willing to help me a lot lately. So I let him help me make the cornbread for small group on sunday. I'm sure food network will be calling anyday now :)

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