He has a new facination for hats. Which is funny to me because around Christmas it was almost impossible to keep his hat on. He likes to put them on himself and he is quite good at it.
Kenron says lots and lots and lots of things. So instead of telling you all of them I'll tell you some of our favorites:
"Me-mama" - mommy
"Ah-Ard-Jew?" - Where are you?
"Bebe" - Axel
"Now-AH" - uncle Noah
"Pee-ZAH!" pizza
"uh trouble?" - mimicing me saying what's the trouble? to Axel
"Bites" - Bikes
"tinn-EE" - Candy
He has really started to say most of his words correctly. For a while he was getting his T's and C's mixed up - Toot=Cute Towboy=cowboy, it was terribly cute.
And up untill recently he has been calling the baby swing "bebe fwing" now he says swing but he says it like this:
He is size 18-24mo. and size 5.5 shoes. We think he is about 23 lbs (Axel is 17+) He still sleeps through the night 9ish to 7:30, and takes about a 2 hour nap.
He has really been enjoying helping me cook dinner for daddy. He pulls the chair upto the counter himself and can climb up alone. He knows not to touch the stove top and likes to stir and shake in any ingredients.
He is a great helper actually. He still likes to throw away diapers for us, and get the baby's paci and give it to him.
His favorite shows are:
#1 Mickey Mouse
#2 Elmo (sesame street)
#3 Curious George
#4 Thomas the tank engine
Favorite foods are:
Cookies (fig newtons, rice cakes, actual cookies)
Bread, toast, noodles,
apple juice and chocolate milk
fish crackers
Kenron has been going to childcare with Axel when I exercise for an hour MWF and is doing wonderful. He also loves to go to church. We talk about it sunday morning and he gets so excited, and when we pull into the parking lot he exclaims CHURCH!! A couple sundays ago, Mat had gone to pick up Kenron and when they came back into the auditorium he saw me and ran across too me. I said Hey buddy did you go to class and learn about baby jesus?? and his face lit up and he said "CRACKERS!!" - gotta love snack time.
: ) Love the pics of him. So cute!
Great post Natalie!!! Your Kennydoodle has some character!!!!
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