Friday, October 19, 2007

David and Isaac's B-Day

Well yesterday was pretty wonderful. I was afraid of how I would feel, but Mat stayed home and we had a great day! we slept in, I gave mat a haircut, and we went to an afternoon movie, Elizabeth the golden age (I would recomend it), and then we visited some stores, and went out with our close friends for dinner to celebrate our boys birthday!

On another David and Isaac note... Some of you know I donated my breast milk after Isaac died.. well I got a certificate in the mail from the Mothers Milk Bank, it says, This Certificate is awarded to Natalie Tremblay in recognition of her donation of 800 ounces of human milk. 800!!! I had no idea how much I had donated.. I knew it was a lot.. CRAZY! So that will go in the boys scrapbook.. that their mom was a milk machine! hehe.

Ok here are some pics from last night...

1 comment:

Paw-paw said...

Glad you had such a Good Time.
