oh yes that's right the Plague has descended on our house.
Friday - Mat had a tickle in his throat.
Saturday - he didnt feel good.. but we helped Andrew and Natasha move - in the rain
Sunday - he woke up with a fever - and progressively got worse
Monday - (supposed to be our V-day) He's still sick Coughing, sore throat, fever.
Tuesday - his coughs are wet.. and I'm starting to feel bad
Wednesday - (Mat's Birthday) we finally go to the dr. cause there is no point in me getting any more sick. Dr says we have strep or broncitis. Mat has a wicked fever and his blood pressure was through the roof. poor baby, he was REALLY sick. Happy Birthday bird :(
Thursday - we had high hopes after starting anti biotics and taking more meds we would feel better.. but no still sick
Friday. - Mat STILL wakes up with a fever, and calls into work again. He felt so bad because he's been saving up days to take off when Kenron gets here... but I told him, you didnt do this on purpose, you can't help being sick, and they dont want you there if you are sick. We've got 9 weeks to gets some more time saved up.
So.. this has been good practice for me at motherhood. I dont feel good, but I dont have the crazy fever and runny nose. So I've been going shopping for food, gatorade, and meds. Making sure Mat is drinking enough fluids.. and not sleeping well, because Mat is not sleeping well (coughing and hacking in my face.. thats just true love for you :) hehe) Poor baby. But it was good for me to have a reality check, and my mother is constantly gaining brownie points from my childhood the more I "grow up", understand and appreciate the things she did. :) (love you mom)
Good news is Kenron has been great. Kicking and moving around like a champ. And Mat and I said we've both really enjoyed our little sick vacation. We've just been catching up on movies and chillin on the couches together. Mat is understanding now my love/hate relationship with daytime television. hehe we had a long debate.. at the TV about it last night. Dont get me started. Down here in OK, they cover EVERYTHING during the day.. and 90% of the time the "breaking news" is nothing.. so you have watched 10 minutes (or more) of "live" crap when you could have been watching your show you WANTED to watch.. and they could have given us a two minute update in their afternoon or evening news... anyway that's the gist of it.. I told you, dont get me started :)
Ok really.. Mat promised me a date night once the "black lung" has left the premises. So I will make you a promise to bring a camera and have good pictures. Also I have another appointment next week.. but I dont think its a fun one.. and Mat has another appointment wed. to double check his blood pressure since it was so bad. We all think it's just cause he was sick, but better to be safe than sorry!
see you next time!