Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We went to Tenn. for thanksgiving. Mat and I stayed at my auntie Kelly's house and Shannon stayed at Grammie Macs. We had a ton of fun! here are some pics...

This is Ivy, we did make-up, can you see her beautiful lipgloss?

Mat brought the Wii, It was a big hit! Aiden is trying to jump on his shoulders in this pic.. Mat is so good he didnt let any of the kids bother him, he just played with them.

Here is Miss Claire, my new cousin.. yes cousin. She is pretty sleepy.

We figured out that Claire and our new baby will be about 8 months apart.. crazy!

Summer and Owen had Thanksgiving at her mom's, who lives like 3 streets over from Kelly's so we got to visit for an afternoon.

Belly buddies :) Summer is 5 weeks ahead of me.

It was a great visit we really had a good time. I'm exctied to pull out all of my christmas stuff!! wahoo!

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