Friday, November 16, 2007


Ok how long have we been trying to get this last mouse? too long.. like 3 weeks. Ok I finally caved and bought sticky traps.. I hated doing it because I feel like its mean.. but he wouldnt go for the other 3 traps we had out.. so I first night.. still nothing with the sticky trap... and more mouse poops.. well this morning we got him. Mat says "he's a fat one!" hehe well yeah he's had the run of our kitchen crumbs for probably a month.. so anyway Mat puts him in a box and says "sorry buddy.." and we put him in the trash. I seriously thought about taking a picture.. hehe but then I thought that would be kind of sick. hehehe so no picture but how about this!

oh yes, this is annie lennox and david bowie together... its a video of their practice for the LIVE concert.. I dont think it sounds really awesome or anything but it was too cool not to post. My favorite parts: David bowie smoking a cigarette the whole time, George Michael in the background, david's crazy spike earings... how the heck is david bowie so skinny and weird but still so sexy to me? maybe I'm just pregnant. :) hehe

ok and one more for those George Michael fans.. this is my favorite.

happy friday!

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