Starting last tuesday...I had a good morning! I went to go exercise but I was a little early so I stopped by Hancock Fabrics and picked up the fabric for the baby cradle bumper.

I put the fabric in and started the laundry when I got home, jumped in the shower and after that pulled out the left over lazagna for lunch... I sat down with my lazagna infront of the computer to watch "Dancing with the Stars" after that I went to put my dish away.. and what to my surprise??? A STINKING MOUSE.. IN THE LAZAGNA DISH!! I scared him as much as he scared me... he ran across the sink, and jumped behind my cookbooks. Then I called Mat, dumped the rest of the lazagna and decided to run to Walmart and pick up some mouse traps..At walmart I also picked up a couple cute shirts for me, and some scrapbook stuff for this friday, retail therapy :) Mat gets home and sees the mouse AGAIN! That mouse is a brave old soul.. he is hanging out in the oven.. so we did get him in the trap overnight and disposed of him...
Ok wednesday morning.. Halloween... Evey comes over in the morning and Rusty informs me we have a dead snake outside...MAN ALIVE!! What is this? critter city? Ok so me and Evey hang out and I got the fun idea to dress up evey for halloween to surprise Onawa at work with some pictures...

i'm planning on going to exercise after she leaves so I'm in my lovely workout clothes.. Rusty shows up after class and invites me to go out to lunch with him and Onawa since Onawa is off for the rest of the day! wahoo! so I change and try to make my poor hair look half way decent... While we wait for Onawa to change Evey we get a knock on the door.. Its Rachel and LUKE!! WHAT?? Well yes its wednesday when we have Ladies Lunch ... but I hadnt heard from anyone so I assumed we werent doing it.. so Rachel comes in and says she cant stay long anyway cause Luke will want to eat and she wanted to be home for that.. BUT it was her first outing out by herself!! So we didnt want to rush it. So after all that commotion I had a lovely lunch with the Lindens.. came home showered got ready for Knock Knock Night at church..

My buddy Corban

Peyton the ducky and Evey the lion
We had knock knock night and ALL the kids were so cute!! Then thursday.. shannons birthday.. I slept in late, and went out to lunch with Katie and Shan.. we talked for a long time it was nice.
Ok friday.. Mat finds this AWESOME DEAL on a HD DVD player at walmart. Its a steal.. 98$ and they are usually 250.. no joke.. SO I get up early and I'm down at walmart at 7ish. This part annoys me so we'll make it quick.. the people there were stupid and didnt tell us the right price.. so I came home with no HD DVD Player.. I was heartbroken. Its like if your kid wants a toy and the store doesnt have it.. its awful.. So.. Evey comes over .. I go exercise... take a shower and fart around and decide to lay down cause I'm pooped. So I lay down in the bed for about an hour.. Mat gets home and yells.. "guess what I got for 98 bucks!!!" I jumped out of bed and I'm saying WHAT!?! WHAT?? He stopped by the other walmart on the way home and they had it for the right price.. (that still annoys me but anyway..) We were excited and we broke open the box set it all up and I have to admit.. ITS AWESOME... the picture is so clear.. we even put in Ghostbusters and it looked perfect. We were so proud of our great deal... and then ... I walk into the living room and what do I see? oh yes A MOUSE!! running across the floor.. WHAT THE HECK! Ok so we set our last trap.. we have ordered pizza, but we want to go to walmart and get a HD movie to watch and some more traps.. so we decided to just watch Batman Begins and eat pizza... well as the movie finishes up Mat hears a snap and triumpantly runs to the kitchen and declares we have him!! oh good. no worries.

I go to crawl into bed and what do I see.. NO JOKE.. Mouse poop.. oh yes.. mouse poop IN THE BED.. THE BED I TOOK A NAP IN.. the poop wasnt there when I took a nap.. but the mouse was there afterwards.. I think this mouse was on speed.. cause seriously we saw it in the Living room 3 times, apparently it was in our bedroom.. and in the kitchen too... this was between 4pm and 11pm. sheesh! So i freak a little and make Mat stay in the room with me while I fall asleep, but that took a while because I was conviced I would wake up to a mouse in my hair... yuck.
Ok so since then no new mice.. the new traps have been out for days and we have no activity.. so seems like the comotion has calmed down for the moment.. so I can post pictures now :) enjoy!
love your post!! What chaos!!! You are one busy lady!!! Mouse catcher extrodinair... sp.!!! Still the funniest story is the one about the mouse in the lasagna!! Classic!!!
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