First off how cute is my blog now!! (if I do say so myself)
Kenron is sleeping off his shots at the moment.. poor baby.. this time was a little more rough. The nurse was so good last time and gave him his shots quick, Boom Boom Boom... well this time I was getting him dressed before the shots and he scratched himself good in the face.. so he started crying.. I tried to comfort him, and then I thought.. well your going to cry in a second anyway.. so I just laid him on the table.. and she did her first shot.. SCREAM!!..and she said "oops.. can you hand me a cotton ball.. he's bleeding a lot.." oiy...still screaming.. next shot..K is now silently screaming..and nearly purple... and then last shot.. holy smokes. I held him and gave him his passy but he did cry longer than last time.
The worst thing about going to the dr and getting shots is the stupid CHECK OUT! I'm trying to hold/balance my sweet baby in one arm and get the checkbook out..and write a check.. and put the other papers away all in my purse that I'm praying wont fall off my shoulder and ruin the entire balancing act. sheesh!
Anyway.. K is 13lbs 12oz. and 24.5" tall. He can start eating solids whenever he started showing more of an intrest. The dr gave us the run down of how he thought it should go.. cereal, veggies: green, then yellow, then orange over a week.. and then do that for a week or two and move right on to meats.. THEN fruit. He used the analogy that cereal was Frontier City, Veggies were Six Flags and Fruit was Disney land.. "He'll be happy with Frontier City till he knows what Six Flags is like.." Made sense to me. When he was talking about veggies and a new one each day and then starting back at green veggies it made me laugh thinking about my mom. She only gave me orange and yellow veggies at first and I turned a bit orange myself :) hehe
Ok So what is K upto lately...
He is laughing now when you tickle him (occasionally..)
He is pushing up on his arms and holding his head up great!
This morning when I went to get him he had rolled over and was talking to his mobile.. oh it was so cute I could have melted into the floor. So that counts as his first official roll over.. even though we didn't see it ;)
last sunday he slept ALL through the night.
He's averaging 7-8 hours of straight sleep
(I know he can sleep all night without feeding him.. but I wanted to wait till after our trip to do the "letting him cry it out" so I dont have to do it twice.)
I've been putting him to sleep in his room at night and he's been doing great.
And one week from today will be his first trip on an airplane to New England! Yipee!
Oh - he looks so cute!!
Yes those shots are hard to get over - even traumatic for moms too!!!
YES - thanks for bringing up the "orange" thingy!!!! LOL.....
I cannot wait to hold and have conversations with Kenny-Roo-Roo!!!
He is such a beautiful little boy!! He looks so precious!!! Sorry about the fun!
You guys look great!!!
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