I'm a Leo, and Mat is the Pisces...
"Your greatest gifts as parents are your creativity and imagination. Your home will be rich with song, books, plays, costumes, and various projects, but don't expect it to be very neat. As a family, you have more important priorities! The Leo mom or dad could be the ringleader in all this activity. You have a childlike spirit and affectionate warmth that is very appealing to children of all ages. Your kids know from the start that they can depend on your loyalty and love.
The Pisces parent is more dreamy but equally dramatic. You're intuitive and sensitive, connecting with your children on the spirit plane as much as the physical.
One challenge you face as parents will be in making sure that the Leo parent does not demand too much attention and that the Pisces parent doesn't give all their caretaking to just one person. Find the balance."
the not neat house, and Mat being "equally dramatic" is a stretch...but it's pretty darn "us".
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