Friday, August 1, 2008

New Toys..

Kenron and I went to the store and got a few toys. He has been loving looking at himself in the mirror so I still had gift cards saved from his baby shower and we got some new toys for him..

We got this mirror, and all the little tails on the bottom say the color and animal its attached to when you squeeze them.. its cute! I also picked up some Link-a-do's and Pop links to play with later.

See this drool? We think Kenron's teeth might be starting to move up. He had a small fever for two days and was almost inconsolable at times.. he was VERY cranky, and sleepy. He's back to normal again.. but i'm not looking forward to this teething buisness.


Ya-ya + Paw-paw said...

Drooly, Drooly, Drooly, do you love me?
Ah, Drooly, Drooly, Drooly, do you care?
Drooly, Drooly, are you thinking of me?
Drooly, Drooly, will you still be there?

onawa said...

oh the mirror pic is just tooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.